Castor Oil Pack

I’ve had a bottle of cold pressed Castor Oil sitting in my “medicine” cabinet for literally years now. Clients have told me all about how to use castor oil to alleviate upset stomachs and to encourage bowel movement. It really wasn’t until I did the liver flush that I became motivated enough to go through with the whole Castor Oil Pack thing. The thought of lubing myself up with gooey Castor Oil never sounded the least big appetizing. But ever since my last menstruation episode, my heated herb pack has become my best friend, so I figured, I have half of it down already. And the thought of any liver or gallbladder stones getting stuck scared me into it. Might as well proceed.

The other half (or three quarters) of the Castor Oil Pack consists of lubing your stomach up with super viscous Castor Oil and covering it with a Wool Flannel and then plastic wrap. A heat pack on medium setting should be applied on top of the plastic wrap for at least an hour or two. Be careful, I’ve heard of people burning themselves. That’s why I use a heated herb pack.

The liver flush recommends applying a Castor Oil Pack to the liver while passing the stones to ensure that they travel smoothly. I applied a Castor Oil Pack right before drinking the olive oil concoction. But between drinking epsom salt water and a cup of olive oil mixed with grapefruit juice, there was too much going on to really know if the Castor Oil Pack was really doing anything. However, I tried again last night after feeling pretty crappy these last two days and aside from putting me to sleep, I think it did yield some more spectacular results!

While I thought I perhaps needed another colonic from the liver and kidney cleanse, I believe this Castor Oil Pack dislodged the brick that was making me uncomfortable these last two days. That and drinking more water. I woke up feeling normal and had a satisfying movement after drinking plenty of water. I made sure to drink enough water today, which is both critical during the kidney cleanse and what I struggle with everyday.

I told a client who started the liver flush with me on Day One to drink eight glasses of water a day, to which he responded, “I’ve had about eight ounces of water today.”

Me too, buddy. Me too.
