Not So Private.

I arrived in Peru safely Friday night and stayed in the same hostel I enjoyed four years ago. Although I stayed in a private room with my own private bathroom across the hallway, I’ve arrived at the conclusion that I’m just too old for this crap. Having to exit the room to use the facilities forced me to get my whole evening routine over with before allowing myself to get comfortable. With all of the belligerent backpackers screaming through the hallways, I thought it best that no one catch me with my mouthguard on anyway. From now on, it’s private bathrooms IN the room…that is, if I can help it.

2 Replies to “Not So Private.”

  1. I love your stories, they are witty, and full of realness of self. I admire how you embrace all of you. Having the balls to poke fun at circumstance and self. GREAT!!!!! I wish you all the BEST in all of your Endeavors, cleaning one ass at a time.

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