Doody Free Toilet.

I’m not one to flush the toilet every time I pee for the sake of conserving water, but trust me, there are never any logs floating around in my toilet. I’m not that disgusting. So this takes me to a very important topic directed at girls and guys alike, but mostly guys.

Clean your toilet. I don’t care if there is mellow yellow pee in the bowl, but if your pee is of the unfiltered apple juice variety, please flush and drink some water. Also, dust on the toilet and around the base of the commode is a complete turn-off. I’m not sure why that is more unacceptable than stale piss sitting in the toilet, but it is what it is. Use a toilet brush. I don’t want to see pink or any other colored mildew growing on the porcelain. If there is one household item you should clean everyday, it’s your toilet. It’s the one seat that gets the most use in your home and you should take pride in its appearance.