The Wiseguyz Show

Tune in to The Wiseguyz Show on DDV Radio tonight from 8-10pm to listen to us talk a bunch of shit. Spelling is clearly not their forte (see promo and tune-in directions below), but they seem like a good way to spend your Hump Day nonetheless.


Wiseguyz radio


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Power of the Poo PODCAST

I’m very excited to be featured on Kimberly Snyder’s top-rated Beauty Inside Out iTunes podcast! Kimberly Snyder is not only a celebrity nutritionist living and breathing a compassionate, plant-based diet empowering each of her followers to achieve their highest self both physically and spiritually, but she is also responsible for putting gravity colonics on the global map.

When I was first turned onto gravity colonics, it felt like a secretive practice only for those “in the know.” I was even embarrassed to tell my parents I was partaking in this weirdness. My mission in establishing Doody Free Girl has always been to eliminate the shame game. Shaming is lame. Everyone deserves to poop in peace.

So please check out the POO-CAST and don’t keep me a secret by sharing this with all your friends and enemies. CLICK HERE AND ENJOY!



Liver Cleansing Again!

I just wrapped up yet another liver cleanse, but this time I actually gave it my full effort and did not drink any wine for the entire week. In fact, I still haven’t had any wine (that’s subject to change any day now). The cleanse was actually much more tolerable when following the rules – go figure. I felt fantastic afterward and the dark circles under my eyes have even lightened up!

Two different clients of mine gave me the same tip on how to “not drink” at the bar: order soda water with bitters and lime. Wikipedia defines bitters as “an alcoholic preparation flavored with botanical matter such that the end result is characterized by a bitter, sour, or bittersweet flavor. Numerous longstanding brands of bitters were originally developed as patent medicines, but are now sold as digestifs and cocktail flavorings.” So there’s still some trace alcohol in my beverage but it’s characterized as both medicinal and a digestif, which is clearly an added bonus. 





For those who haven’t been following, the liver cleanse is a completely doable cleanse that only lasts a week and clears nasty gallstones out of your liver on the last day. The week calls for being vegan (no meat or dairy), no alcohol, no caffeine, no fried foods and no sugar. During the first five days, you are to sip on a solution of 1 teaspoon of malic acid powder mixed with 32 oz of water throughout the day. On the sixth day, you must drink the solution by morning and have a lunch of plain white rice and steamed vegetables by 1:30pm. Then you must fast until the following day, which isn’t so bad because you have a lot of assignments to complete before then. You must get a colonic that afternoon. Then at 6pm and again at 8pm, you must drink 3/4 cup epsom salt solution. At 10pm, you must drink a solution of 2/3 cup fresh grapefruit juice and 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil (preferably of the California variety). Then make sure to lay flat for the rest of the evening. You can get up to take a shit if need by after the first 20 minutes of laying completely flat and still. In the morning, you have to repeat the epsom salt torture at 6am and again at 8am, keeping your torso upright the entire morning (you can fall back asleep sitting up). Make sure to clear this morning because you will be shitting your stones out! At 1030am, you can drink fresh juice. I like to squeeze the juice from the rest of the grapefruits I got the night before. You can eat some fruit an hour later and then start eating normal food about an hour after that. 

Is it time to clear out your liver? You can do it!! Book here.




Colonoscopy Prep

If you’ve ever had or needed a colonoscopy, you are familiar with the dreaded colonoscopy preparation protocol. This could include drinking Suclear, Nulytely/Colyte, MoviPrep, Miralax/Gatorade, Prepopik, amongst other chemical cocktails, with protocols varying depending on the time of day the colonoscopy is performed.

Unfortunately, there is really no way to avoid the preparation portion of the colonoscopy. While a colonic clears out your colon (roughly the last five feet of your intestinal tract), you must clean out the entire digestive tract, specifically the 17+ feet small intestine. I have, however, had clients for whom the laxatives did not work and were sent home after being anesthetized because the doctor literally couldn’t see shit. Out of desperation, those clients ultimately opted to juice fast for three to five days, receiving colonics daily. I even had one client proudly bring me her colonoscopy results complete with pictures because after numerous failed attempts at a colonoscopy, her doctor finally marveled over how squeaky clean her colon was!

I would never advise against your doctor’s instructions and repeatedly tell clients and new clients alike that colonics do not replace the traditional colonoscopy prep protocol, however, it can make it slightly more tolerable. I have had clients come in for a colonic in addition to following their doctor’s orders to save themselves the extra time on the toilet rubbing their asses raw.

So if you or someone you know needs a colonoscopy, I strongly advise considering a colonic beforehand!
